What is it?
The Beaumaris Food Festival returns to this historic Welsh town on the banks of the Menai Strait after the huge success of last year.
The first Beaumaris Food Festival took place in 2014 and this September it's coming back bigger and even better than before. Over the weekend of the 12th and 13th of September a huge array of foody fun will be happening on the Town Green of Beaumaris which enjoys a stunning backdrop of the water and mountainous views beyond.
What's there to see and do?
Exhibition stalls, chef demonstrations and a craft marquee are just some of what you can expect during the festival and a large centre stage will form the hub of the event. From here you'll be able to watch top chefs in action, learn new skills and even enjoy live music performances. The stalls will fill the surrounding grounds with wonderful smells and flavours and delicious goodies to try. A focus on local, fresh produce is nicely complimented with a selection of interesting, international flavours from far and wide, so you're sure to find something to tempt your taste buds.
There are bits and bobs for the younger guests with a children's play area and a great many activities that will keep the whole family amused; there are cooking demonstrations and activities for parents and children, face painting and a trail for those that fancy getting their feet moving. Over the course of the weekend there will be a number of live performances from music groups including a jazz band, a brass band and different choirs along with craft stalls of jewellery and woodwork.
Things officially kick off on the Saturday morning but if you just can't wait till then to get a flavour of what's to come, then have a wander down to the Canolfan on Friday evening for the Hog Roast Party. There will be delicious food, live music and dancing from 7.30 pm.
When and where?
The main weekend events are taking place this weekend on the 12th and 13th of September from 9.30am to 6pm on the Beaumaris Town Green which is close to the pier and Lifeboat Station.
Admission is £5 per day and children under 14 are free, though they must be accompanied. (You can buy tickets on the door.)
Admission for the Friday night Hog Roast Party is £15 and the event begins at 7.30 pm.
Your entrance fee allows you free car parking and half price entrance to the historic Beaumaris Castle, the Courthouse and the Gaol. So you're guaranteed a fantastic day.
You can find out more and see directions on the website: beaumarisfoodfestival.co.uk.
To find out how to stay on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey for yourself, just a short distance from Beaumaris, simply follow the link below.