I may have retired from broadcasting but I feel busier than ever, what with speaking engagements, events, writing and more. But sometimes it’s nice to stop and take a breather. And when I do, the Holiday Property Bond is always my haven for relaxation.
I became what’s known as a Bondholder back in 2001, and I’ve been holidaying with HPB ever since. At certain times of the year you’ll find me enjoying the beauty of the Peak District, gazing out at the Pembrokeshire coastline or, as I did recently, catching some early sun in Almeria province in Spain. This September, I’ll be hiking across the Northumberland moors. And it’s all courtesy of HPB.
As a Bondholder I can choose to holiday at over 30 locations like these, across the UK and Europe, and enjoy all the wonderful facilities and amenities they have to offer every time I go away.
To give you just one example, I’ve recently returned from El Pueblito de Alfaix, HPB’s southern Spanish site. This award-winning ‘little village’ looks like a timeless traditional Spanish hamlet, with Moorish-inspired architecture swathed in bougainvillea. The property I stayed in was just yards away from the lengths swimming pool, and had fabulous views of the Sierra Cabrera mountains to the north.
You could enjoy the same scenery very soon, simply by becoming a Bondholder with a payment from £5,000. This will buy you Holiday Points that you use to book a holiday and – here’s the beauty of HPB – your Holiday Points are reissued to you every year.
That means you can book another holiday in 2024, and the year after that, for the rest of your life. So you can probably see why I’m such a fan of HPB! Not only that, if there is a Holiday Points revaluation then your entitlement will be adjusted, protecting your holiday booking power.
I should mention that every time I come away I pay a non-profit user charge to cover things like cleaning, electricity and the gardening*. But apart from that, you’re free to book a holiday and explore. HPB can even arrange all your travel for you.
Another thing I really like about HPB is the standard of facilities on-site and the fact that they are free to use when you stay. I’m a particular fan of the tennis courts at El Pueblito, as you might imagine, and I traded a few shots with Juan, the on-site tennis coach, during my last visit.
There’s always plenty laid on for Bondholders at the sites. This year I visited El Pueblito just a little too early to sign up to a trip to the nearby Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park, where you’ll see flamingos, purple herons, storks and much more besides. But I did take a ‘jeep safari’ into the Sierra Cabrera foothills. I met a few locals who were herding their goats across the vast landscape, which was quite a magical experience for me.
Being a Bondholder has transformed the way I holiday, as I know that every time I step into an HPB property, everything will be just as I expect. That’s so important to me, as holidays used to come few and far between so I wanted them to be perfect! If you’re thinking about whether to become a Bondholder, I’d urge you to do it as soon as possible. You’ll only regret not doing it sooner. Find out more about HPB today.
Sue Barker
Broadcaster (retired!)
P.S. Before I became a Bondholder, I visited an HPB site near me to see the quality and the facilities for myself. I’d recommend doing the same as you’ll get a real feel for what you can expect.
Don’t put it off – book your own Private Tour as soon as you can!