If you want to visit a traditional Spanish Market then the Valencia Indoor Market is ideal. Valencia lies on the east coast of Spain roughly an hour and a half north of Xàbia, and here you can get a real feel for the local culture.
The market is located right in the heart of the city in a grand building that was designed by Alejandro Soler March and Francisco Guardia Vial. It is a huge area of 8,160 metres and holds almost 300 trade stalls. The market is the biggest one of its kind in Europe, operating daily and selling an immense selection of fresh produce. It even became the first market in the world to offer a home delivery service. The interior is split in two sections, the smaller of which is dedicated to the fresh fish market.
This area of Spain is so excellent for good, fresh produce, being located on the coast and having a fantastic climate for much of the year, that a food market of some kind has always flourished here. A travelling street market would often set up here until, in the 19th century, the Mercado Nuevo opened here, which was a permanent outdoor market.
Over time, with the expansion of the city and the popularity with vendors, it was agreed that a new, bigger market should be built. The plan commenced in 1910 and Alejandro Soler March and Francisco Guardia Vial began building the elegant structure that you see today. It is a very unique building with touches of modernism and large, impressive windows in keeping with its surroundings. It makes quite a statement where it is located in the centre of the city, overlooked by the beautiful buildings of the Silk Exchange and the Church of Los Santos Juanes.
If you plan on visiting the market, please note that its opening times are Monday – Saturday 7.00am to 3.00pm